Partner & Give
As a new church plant, every tithe and gift you make matters. Thank you for helping make both our road to launch and our current ministry doable.
Also, don’t worry — we’re legit (GLCC is an approved, fully incorporated non-profit 501c3 religious corporation registered with the state of California).
Church Plant Fundraising
The Need
With the funding we’ve already secured through our denomination, we have around $75,000 left to raise before launch to cover our initial expenses. We are actively seeking private and corporate partners who desire to invest in and partner with a new, growing church plant that’s reaching the city of Los Angeles.
Here’s a couple of ways interested givers can invest in the vision and future of Goodness & Love City Church:
Business & marketplace leaders donate directly to our church
Fellow churches sponsor GLCC as a “Sister” church
Inquire about equipment and other items needed and sponsor our church in this way
Join our church and become a regular tither!