Surely your goodness and love will follow me

all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord



Goodness & Love City Church is a new and growing church plant in Los Angeles.

We’ve seen it happen. It’s happened to us.

When we meet Jesus, we encounter the full weight of God’s goodness and love for the world. Then, change happens. Some of it slow, some of it sudden — all of it lasting, all of it remarkable. In following Jesus we’re daily overtaken by the goodness and love of God, and every dimension of our life begins to be made new.

Our singular hope as a church is to see the gospel of Jesus — the most profound expression of God’s goodness and love for the world — make more and more everyday people in Los Angeles new every day.

That’s why our vision is to see renewal every day in everyday people. We believe God is far from done making people new in Christ: restoring us to Jesus’s presence, recentering us around Jesus’s lordship, and releasing us into Jesus’s mission.

What we practice.

  • cultivating relational abundance through the discipline of friendship with God and each other

  • restoring lives and rebuilding faith by healing together in God's presence

  • building biblical literacy and cultural discernment by studying, learning, and asking hard questions

  • adding goodness and love to the city through our work, art, and talents

  • loving people through local and global generosity

  • helping people find the unique form of leadership to which Christ has fitted them by developing natural and spiritual gifts

  • pursuing lives of wholehearted worship and steadfast devotion to Christ

Meet our pastors.

Jon and Erica Campbell got married in April 2015 and welcomed their first daughter, Avonlea, into the world in December 2022. As co-laborers for the gospel, their burden is to make disciples who follow Jesus resiliently and fruitfully in post-Christian contexts. In L.A., they’re serving as U.S. missionary church planters.

Jon holds an M.Div. from Regent University. Erica holds an M.A. in Urban Ministry & Global Transformation from Southwestern Christian University. Both are ordained missionaries and ministers with the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.